Sunday, January 10, 2010

An Introduction

A disclaimer: This blog is likely to be too much information for many people. I've decided to write it anyway, because while I can find numerous forums for questions and answers, I've had a really hard time finding information online about what it's like to go through this process from beginning to end, and I think it would be useful to others. Be forewarned, and please be kind.

My husband, and I have recently begun trying to have a baby. We had put it off as long as possible, mainly because neither one of us were really ready yet for the major changes a baby would bring. I've also never been sure how it would work to have a child and still be able to work (I really love my job) and he has been going through residency, so he wanted to wait until that was over.

After we finally started trying, we ended up having no luck. I was surprised because I always thought that it would happen pretty much instantly. I went through several months where I was convinced every month that I was pregnant, only to be completely wrong. We decided to go in to make sure that everything is okay with us medically, and found out that my husband's sperm counts and types are not good enough to fertilize an egg. His urologist recommended IUI (intra-uterine insemination),and my ob-gyn recommended IVF (in-vitro fertilization). This blog will be about the process we go through as we navigate our choices and attempt to have a family.

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